Slovak President in Kenya for trade talks Nairobi, KENYA: President of Slovakia, Andrej Kiska, is in Kenya this week for a three-day State Visit. The Slovak President Andrej Kiska was this morning accorded a formal welcome with full military honors complete with a 21-gun salute on his State visit to Kenya. Kiska, who arrived on Sunday, became the first Slovakia Head of State to tour Kenya. He was received by President Uhuru Kenyatta at State House in Nairobi. The Slovak leader began day two of his visit by laying a wreath at the mausoleum of Kenya's founding president Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. Kiska then went to State House for the formal reception. The national anthems of Kenya and Slovakia were played by the Kenya Defence Forces band, before the firing of 21 cannon shots. Kiska then inspected a guard of honor mounted by a detachment of the Kenya Army. Uhuru and Kiska held talks which their delegations later joined. The agenda included getting Kenyan goods into the Slovakia market, a move aimed at bridging the balance of trade which is currently in favors of the Slovak Republic. Uhuru is expected to cite Kenya’s central position in the East and Central Africa region as ideal for investors from the Slovak Republic. President Kenyatta is also will also make it clear that Africa is working towards consolidating its economies into a large Continental Free Trade Area to provide more business opportunities. Kenya's economy is market-based with a few state-owned infrastructure enterprises and maintains a liberalized external trade system. The country is perceived as Eastern and central Africa's hub for Financial, Communication and Transportation services. The Slovak Republic is a high-income advanced economy with one of the fastest growth rates in the European Union. Its GDP was $138.277 billion while the GDP per capita stood at $25,525 in 2015 estimates. Major industries in Slovakia include metal and metal products, paper and printing, food and beverages, electricity, gas, oil, nuclear fuel, transport vehicles, textiles, electrical and optical apparatus, rubber, and machinery. A statement from Slovakia Agency for International Development (SLOVAKAID) on Friday stated that during President Kiska’s visit to Kenya, he will visit a few projects and activities supported by Slovakia Republic in Kenya through SLOVAKAID. The agency has been supporting development projects in Kenya since inception in 2004. Kenya is one of the three countries in Sub-Saharan Africa where Slovakia maintains diplomatic missions. Others are South Africa and Nigeria.


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