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CONTACT US Ružinovská 1, 821 02 Bratislava, Slovakia Tel: +421 (0) 904 254 939 Email: info@akiic.sk www.akiic.sk Facebook: As a non-profit Making Organization, African Cultural, Information and Integration Center primarily rely on the assistance from donors to run its programs. Whatever amount you can contribute will be gratefully accepted. Your regular donation will help us to continue and also plan ahead for the future and react quickly in times of emergency. Below are the Organization bank details. Bank information: Account Name: Africké kultúrne, informačné a integračné centrum Bank Name: FIO BANKA, Bratislava Account Number: 21 0082 6853 IBAN: SK44 8330 0000 0021 0082 6853 SWIFT: FIOZSKBAXXX Country, City: Slovakia, Bratislava IČO: 42262283 DIČ: 2023526670

Africké Kultúrne, Informačné a Integračne Centrum

Ružinovská 1,

821 02 Bratislava

Tel:  +421 (0) 904 254 939

Email: info@akiic.sk


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